Renowned actress Connie Ferguson, celebrated for her performances in shows like ‘Generations: The Legacy’ and ‘The Queen’, has secured a role in Netflix’s upcoming spy-thriller, ‘Heart of a Hunter’. She will be sharing the screen with fellow actors Masasa Mbangeni and Bonko Khoza.
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Role Details and Film Overview
As reported by IMBD, Ferguson will be portraying the character of Molebogeng Kwena in ‘Heart of a Hunter’. The film, confirmed by Netflix, is a riveting spy-thriller based on a novel by the esteemed author Deon Meyer. The directorial reins have been taken by the acclaimed Mandla Dube, known for ‘Silverton Siege’. The film boasts an all-star cast including Connie Chiume, Bonko Khoza, Masasa Mbangeni, Sisanda Henna, among others. The much-anticipated thriller is set to premiere on Netflix in the first quarter of 2024.
A Look at Ferguson’s Past Roles
TVSA highlights that Connie Ferguson, the actress now associated with ‘Heart of a Hunter’, has a rich history of roles in various TV shows. Her portfolio includes shows like ‘The Wild’, ‘What If’, ‘Crime Reporter’, ‘Maitemogelo’, and seasons one to four of SABC’s educational drama series ‘Soul City’.
She has also played lead roles in productions such as ‘Cape of Good Hope’, ‘Okavango’, ‘Danger Zone’, seasons two and three of ‘Matswakabele’, season two of ‘Lesilo Rula’, ‘On The Right Track’, and ‘Suburban Bliss’.
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In addition to acting, Ferguson has presented on numerous shows including ‘Eduspectrum’, ‘Molomo Radiopotso’, ‘Is’godi’, ‘Topscore’, ‘Handy Hints’, ‘Studio Mix’, ‘Continuity – CCV’, and more. She has also appeared in TV advertisements for brands like Ellerines, Ultramel Custard, Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion, and Black Like Me.
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