Unathi Nkayi, a renowned singer and media personality, has emphasized the significance of men openly discussing their experiences with sexual abuse. She shared her insights on social media, recounting the stories she had heard from the men in her life. As a mother to a son, she expressed how crucial it was for her to hear these men voice their experiences.

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Personal Experiences Shared by Men

Nkayi revealed that an alarming number of men in her life, including friends, cousins, colleagues, uncles, and husbands of friends, have confided in her about their experiences with sexual abuse. These men shared that they lost their virginity to their nannies or were sexually assaulted or groomed by them. Some even mentioned being sexually assaulted by drivers, gardeners, and other employees who were hired by the family to assist with family businesses or estates or to help raise the children.

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Nkayi expressed her gratitude for these conversations and encouraged the men in her life to continue having them. She believes that sexual abuse is a topic that doesn’t receive enough attention. According to Timeslive Unathi shared a conversation she had with a friend about the importance of having balanced discussions about such issues as a mother of both a boy and a girl. She thanked the men for their openness, stating that it allows her to make informed decisions.

In response to Nkayi’s post, other celebrities echoed her sentiments. “These are uncomfortable but necessary conversations,” wrote TT Mbha. Gogo Dineo added, “There are so many, even bosses and prominent leaders in society. Sexual abuse is painful. The shame that comes with this violation makes it difficult for one to speak out. Twice difficult for men because they also start to question their masculinity, and sexuality as well. Thank you for bringing it up.”

By Shamiso Miracle

Shamiso Miracle completed her degree in journalism and media studies at the University of Zimbabwe before honing her skills at Savanna News. She then went on to work at iHarare News, becoming a voice for everyday SA citizens who wanted to share their stories. When she's not writing news that entertains and inspires ,Shamiso is an avid reader and a wellness bunny.

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