Zodwa Wabantu, the renowned entertainer, has a new man in her life. Interestingly, this time, her partner is only eight years younger than her. On Tuesday, she took to her social media timeline to share a picture with her partner, officially announcing their relationship. However, she chose to keep his identity concealed, adding an element of mystery to their love story.
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The couple has been dating for seven months now. Zodwa revealed that her 31-year-old boyfriend has been a part of her life since the beginning of her career. “I’ve known the guy. He would play for me, we would travel together from when I started, but I’ve never seen him as my boyfriend,” Zodwa shared in an interview with TshisaLIVE.
Zodwa’s Relationship History and Future Plans
Although Zodwa, 39, has not yet revealed the identity of her current partner, she hinted that she might consider introducing him to the world in the future. She has been open about her past relationships, which were also with younger men.
In 2020, Zodwa was in a relationship with Vusi Ngubane, who was 23 at the time. In 2019, she was close to walking down the aisle with her then-24-year-old boyfriend, Ntobeko Linda. Speaking about her past relationships, Zodwa said, “The last one I had, there was no drama or big deal. It’s just that I saw DMs (direct messages). When you see DMs you can tell this person has intentions of stepping out of the relationship, so before he does I get rid of him because it means he thinks he is smart and can run the streets.”
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Zodwa expressed her preference for dating younger men, stating, “They are easy to be with. It’s nice because you can control them.” She also shared her desire to get married, along with owning a big house and flashy cars. “I’m old now. I would love to have a ring on my finger,” she said. However, she emphasized the importance of respect in a relationship, saying, “As long as a man respects me. If he doesn’t respect me he must go and leave everything I gave him.”
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